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Mass Mailing

ITS provides a Mass Mail service to enable members of our community to contact a large number of recipients at one time. A service account is required. mass mail, mass mailing, mass-mailing, email, inbox, uconn phone book, recipients, mass email, mass emailing, listserv, community listserv, list-serv, list serv, bulk email, mailing list, uconn mailing list, uconn email, gmail, […]

Automatic Call Distribution

The ACD system is a tool for managing large volumes of incoming phone calls. It provides call processing menus, distributes calls to available agents, prioritizes calls in queue, plays updates and music on hold while callers are waiting, provides real-time call statistics to agents and supervisors, and offers a reporting interface for historical call data. […]

Virtualization/Infrastructure as a Service

ITS provides approved customers a virtual machine (VM) with customized storage, RAM, processors, and administration rights. Some key features of the service include: The ability to run Virtualized Microsoft Windows and Linux (usually Red Hat) servers An alternative to purchasing the physical hardware for servers Users can gain console access by accessing vCenter through an […]

Data Management, Reporting, and Analytics

ITS offers, as a service, centralized databases that are secure, stable, and professionally managed. We develop and support datamarts such as the Student Administration Datamart (SADM), the Kuali Financial Datamart (KFDM), and the much anticipated Human Resource/Payroll Datamart (HRPYDM). We also administer and support reporting systems and offer reporting and analytics support services using the […]


With the Dropbox service, the UConn community can exchange large files (up to 10 GB). At least one person, either the sender or the receiver, must be from UConn. Please note: Dropbox should not be used to transmit sensitive University data. file-sharing, file sharing, cloud storage, storage, secure, security, backup, back up, upload files, storage […]

Enterprise File Services

ITS’s Enterprise File Services (EFS) is a system designed for secure computer file storage and online file sharing for faculty and staff. Enterprise File Services has two separate and distinct parts: individual home directories and departmental file storage. The service is maintained by ITS and is online 24×7. Features include: Private Home Directories for faculty and […]


ITS provides and supports voice communication services at all University campuses, the School of Law, and most University Affiliate locations. Services include dial tone, incoming and outgoing calls, voicemail, automatic call distribution, installation and repair of ITS-provided telephone equipment (analog & digital), emergency telephones, specialized circuits for alarms and elevators, and inbound toll free service. […]

Enterprise Content Management

ITS offers a secure, searchable electronic content repository via IBM’s Enterprise Content Management (ECM) system. Currently, UConn provides a FileNet content repository along with the DataCap scanning/capture front-end. For each customer, UConn builds a customized solution to meet their needs while providing cost savings, improved efficiency, and recovery of office space via this paperless environment. […]

UPDC Systems

Provides technology planning, solution design, implementation services, application administration, vendor management and integration support for University Planning, Design & Construction. Applications: AIM Property & Space Management AIMCAD UConn Now Space Dashboard Meridian Client & Explorer Unifier P6 Project Scheduler


ITS provides a VPN service that provides secure, encrypted connection when you are accessing restricted systems on the University network from off-campus locations. While most University resources do not require a VPN (e.g., email, Core-CT, OneDrive), certain protected resources require a secure connection to UConn for access. Check with the resource administrator to verify if […]

Digital Signage

Leveraging Carousel digital signage management software from TightRope, the digital signage service enables institutional units to control distributed signs from a central location. Digital Signage includes University Communications approved templates and integrates with Office 365, Astra classroom scheduling, Everbridge emergency notifications, and EMS event scheduling. ITS Academic IT can also assist with selecting displays and […]

Hi-Tech Classrooms

ITS provides the University of Connecticut with Hi-Tech Classrooms to deliver a better teaching environment for both students and instructors. Support services include design, installation and maintenance of hi-tech equipment, programming of control systems and touch screen interfaces, imaging, and maintenance of classroom computers and training of faculty and staff on the proper use of AV […]

Web Accessibility Consulting Service

“Accessible” means that a person with a disability is afforded the opportunity to acquire the same information, engage in the same interactions, and enjoy the same services as a person without a disability. Practically, this means that regardless of disability, every person has an equal opportunity to participate in the University.  This service identifies any […]

Document Production & Sign Services

Provides technology planning, solution design, implementation services, application administration, vendor management and integration support for Document Production & Sign Services. Applications: EFI Digital Storefront

Email through Office365

Faculty and staff receive their email and calendar services through Microsoft Office 365, which also includes a suite of integrated, cloud-hosted tools: Accessibility via client or web interface Schedule meetings Create and manage tasks Create, store, and access contacts Create distribution lists Synchronize information with mobile devices email, student email, student mail, gmail, windows 365, windows-365, […]

Cellular & Mobile Devices

ITS supports cellular services for University faculty and staff. ITS has negotiated contracts with the following cellular carriers: AT&T, Sprint, and Verizon. All cellular service purchases must meet University criteria and involve ITS Cellular Services. uconn cell phone, uconn mobile, iPhone, Android, Samsung, LG, Verizon, Comcast, uconn, uconn provide cell phone, AT&T, sprint, verizon, cellular, […]

Vulnerability Assessment

The Information Security Office provides Nessus Vulnerability Scanner to individuals responsible for the security of University-owned devices for assessment of computers, computer systems, networks, or applications for weaknesses. Weakness can be defined as: Vulnerabilities that allow a remote hacker to control or access sensitive data on a system Misconfiguration (e.g. open mail relay, missing patches, […]

HuskyTime Application

HuskyTime is a new, paperless, efficient, self-service student time tracking system developed by ITS in conjunction with UConn Recreation. The application simplifies the time tracking process and saves valuable hours every pay period. HuskyTime, app, timecard, time card, student, payroll, paycheck, payment, money, finance, hours, time, clock, clock-in, clock-out, report

Web Accessibility PDF Remediation

This service identifies and remediates any PDF accessibility issues so the PDF files meet ADA compliance.

Wired Network

ITS designs, installs, manages, and maintains a robust network infrastructure. We offer wired access with data transfer rates ranging from 10 Mbps through 10 Gbps. Our infrastructure ensures that you can easily connect systems to the campus network and gain access to network based services, the Internet, and research and education networks. LAN, local area […]


ITS provides a central firewall service for departments that have security needs, but do not want to implement or maintain their own firewalls or firewall policies. firewall, department firewall, private firewall, security, secure, virus, virus protection, antivirus, phishing, online attacks, protect

Google Apps

ITS provides Google Apps for University of Connecticut students, faculty, and staff as an enterprise cloud-based suite of tools. Each audience has a specific set of tools based on their needs. Users within those groups can also “opt-in” to Google’s public services made available by the University. classroom, drive, docs, sheets, slide, powerpoint, excel, google, […]

Parking Management Systems

Provides technology planning, solution design, implementation services, application administration, vendor management and integration support for Parking Services. Applications: TickeTrak Permit Request Applications Employee Parking Payroll Deduction


ITS provides encryption services for the conversion of saved data into an unreadable format for the purpose of protecting sensitive information such as social security and / or credit card numbers. encrypt, encryption, uconn, laptop, data, save data, saved data, password, sensitive data, password, passwords, social security, social security number, SSN, social security numbers, credit, […]


ITS provides and supports the University’s cable television services, known as HuskyVision, to on-campus housing facilities and requesting departments. The Basic channel line-up offers over 70 channels of academic, educational, and entertainment programming. cable TV, uconn television, tv channels, watch tv uconn, dorm tv, uconn apartments tv, residence halls tv, uconn tv channels, channel listing, […]

Splunk Logging Services

Splunk allows for the ability to search, report, monitor and analyze real-time streaming and historical IT data generated by various IT systems from one place. Splunk can also troubleshoot application problems and investigate security incidents in minutes or seconds, as well as correlate and analyze complex events that span multiple systems. Review, gather, check, data, […]

Workflow Application Development

ITS provides in-house developed workflow applications to automate business processes for University departments. workflow, apps, form, create, creator, availability available, service

Mail Services & Central Receiving

Provides technology planning, solution design, implementation services, application administration, vendor management and integration support for University Mail Services and Central Receiving. Applications: SendSuite OneSort ERPortal

Gmail & Calendar

ITS uses Google Apps for Education for student email services. The University of Connecticut’s official means of communication to students for University-related business is through email. Faculty and staff may opt-in to use Google Apps for Education for email and calendar services, among others, but their official university email will remain on Office 365. google […]


ITS provides voicemail capabilities, in conjunction with University phone service, to receive, send, and manage personal voice messages. Departments may also utilize advanced call processing applications (menus) for routing calls and disseminating information. voicemail, phone, phoneline, phone line, audio jack, phone jack, phone messages. uconn, faculty, staff, phone prices, phone pricing, department, routing calls, rout […]


ITS provides co-location services in the campus Data Center, located in Room M-032 in the Math Science Building. The service provides customers with a secure location and network connectivity for housing mission-critical servers and related equipment. Complete and submit the form below under the More Information section. The ITS Data Center team will receive the […]

Facilities Systems

Provides technology planning, solution design, implementation services, application administration, vendor management and integration support for Facilities Operations, Trade Services, Building Services, Building Renovations and Business Services. Applications: AIM Workplace Management Asbestos Management System GO Work Management & Assets (Mobile) Maintenance Support Request (Mobile) FAMIS (Legacy) Reporting & Dashboards manage, track, account, request, bill, analyze, business, […]

Web Accessibility Video Captioning

This service adds captions to video files so the videos meet ADA compliance.

Identity & Access

The NetID is the Network Identifier that UConn issues to allow access to most computing services. These services include: Student Administration, HuskyCT, Office 365 (Faculty/Staff email and calendaring), VPN and many others.

Wireless Network

ITS provides and supports the University’s Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs) at all campuses, the School of Law and most University Affiliate locations. ITS offers both encrypted and unencrypted wireless services to accommodate faculty, staff and students, and visitors to UConn. wifi, wi-fi, wi fi, hotspot, hot spot, uconn secure, uconn-secure, uconn guest, uconn-guest, login, […]

WePresent Wireless Projection and device mirroring

For wireless projection and device mirroring, ITS supports WePresent wireless presentation gateways by Barco. The WePresent is a part of the classroom system that allows a user to connect to its wifi network and share content from their device or mirror their screen. This service can be used with Windows or Apple PC as well […]

SSL-Certificate Service

The ITS fully subsidized InCommon Certificate Service generates, for all UConn domains, an unlimited number of SSL certificates that are validated by a trusted Certificate Authority. This expanded institutional relationship with InCommon decreases administrative overhead and reduces costs to departments. Certificate types available include SSL, extended validation, client (personal), and code signing. website, web, secure, […]

Fleet, Fuel & Transportation Systems

Provides technology planning, solution design, implementation services, application administration, vendor management and integration support for Fleet, Fuel & Transportation Services. Applications: Fleet Focus Fuel Focus WEX Card Verizon Fleet Network Passio Bus Tracking

HuskyTech Joining UITS

The following is an announcement from the CIO. Colleagues, I am contacting you to provide an update on the ongoing discussions between ITS and SAIT regarding opportunities for integration. The goal of these discussions has been to provide the best practical outcome for the community, and it has become clear that HuskyTech’s excellent service and […]

Spam Filter Improvements

ITS has increased the sensitivity of the UCONN email spam filters to more effectively prevent the delivery of unwanted messages. The university email challenge has always been to correctly identify and prevent the delivery of unwanted messages without misidentifying and blocking wanted messages.  Recent feedback from our community indicated that the system was permitting the delivery of too […]

DNS/DHCP administration delegation

You may be used to requesting a DNS hostname from ITS, but did you know that we can give schools, departments, and colleges the authority to manage their name spaces and IP networks? ITS maintains an integrated Domain Name System (DNS), a central repository for mapping Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, and Dynamic Host Control Protocol […]

Changes to UITS Help Center

The ITS Technology Support Center, located in the Math-Science Building M037 and on the first floor (Homer Commons) of the Homer Babbidge Library, provides first contact support and assistance to the university community for the wide variety of services provided by the organization. Our services and their associated support have historically had community centric differences […]

Revised electronic communication policy

The University has made revisions to the university electronic communication policy that will impact email forwarding.

Web Conferencing Services

We would like to share information about individual web conferencing services available to the UConn community.

Network connectivity

During this past week, the university community experienced intermittent outages and performance issues with network connectivity. 

IT service incident

On Sunday, December 27th, the University of Connecticut was the victim of an IT service compromise.

Q: drive mapping

ITS has updated automatic Q: drive mapping on ITS managed workstations.

Pilot of Kaltura

A pilot version of Kaltura is available to UConn instructors and students.

FEB availability

The IBM Forms Experience Builder (FEB) system is available to developers within our IT community.

Expansion of Wireless Service

ITS will be expanding the wireless network service in university administrative and academic buildings.

New UConn email website

ITS launches a new site for UConn email services.

End of Semester Moratorium

ITS will have a moratorium on non-emergency network and system changes starting Friday, December 8, through Monday, December 18, 2017.

New Reporting Tool in Student Admin

BI Publisher is a new reporting tool for the UConn Student Administration (SA) system.

Wireless Expansion Project Update

The university community relies on multiple devices and effective wireless infrastructure

Status of P: Drive

On Tuesday, December 11, our community began to experience intermittent delays accessing the P: drive.

Adobe CC Purchasing Program for Faculty and Staff

The ITS Adobe Create Cloud (CC) purchasing program is now available to UConn faculty, staff, and graduate students.

New private media plugin for Aurora

Aurora is a multisite WordPress Service that enables customers to publish websites that meet institutional brand and accessibility standards, have a mobile responsive design, and remain current with security updates.

End of Semester Moratorium

ITS will have a moratorium on non-emergency network and system changes starting Wednesday, December 4, through Wednesday, December 18, 2019.

Concur Update

The SAP Concur project is a collaborative UConn initiative to implement a best-in-class, cloud-based Travel and Expense management service for the university.

Web Conferencing Security

ITS supports the following web conferencing solutions: Microsoft Teams, Blackboard Collaborate, Google Hangouts, and WebEx. 

University-Wide Transition from Skype to Microsoft Teams

Teams and Skype for Business are available to everyone at the University through Office 365.

Upgrade of PeopleSoft System

ITS uses PeopleSoft Campus Solutions (CS) for our Student Administration (SA) system.  This is the authoritative system of record for student academic data, the administrative environment supporting numerous academic processes, and a service portal for students.

Data Center Firewall

ITS is migrating networks and applications hosted in the UConn data center to a new firewall.

Changes to VPN Service

The University’s move to a mostly remote learning and working environment over the past year has put a strain on many of our capabilities. 

Registration of Wireless Devices

The internet protocol (IP) addresses for devices on the UConn network are overwhelmingly dynamic and are issued automatically by the network for specified durations. 

Happy Holidays

This year continues to be one of transition for our community.

Management of Wireless Data Network

ITS is updating how we will support our wireless data network.

Changes to Legacy Messaging Protocol Authentication

Modern authentication uses OAuth, a widely adopted framework that provides a secure user authentication workflow and includes support for interactive multi-factor authentication and risk analysis. 

End-of-Semester Moratorium

ITS will have a moratorium on non-emergency network and system changes starting Tuesday, December 6, through Wednesday, December 21, 2022.

Device Management

ITS provides direct management support for over 6,000 Windows workstations at the university. 

Protecting University Credentials

Your login credentials verify your identity and help guard your information. 

Quotas on Google Workspace Accounts

ITS will begin implementing storage quotas on Google Workspace accounts starting this October.

Staff Technology Day on June 4th

ITS and the Office of the Provost will co-host Staff Technology Day on Tuesday, June 4, 2024.

Update on Wireless Services

A WiFi access point is a device representing the network side of the wireless connection to your device. 

UITS Adds Authenticated SMTP To Its Email Repertoire

ITS has added authentication support to its Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server, resulting in more flexibility and convenience for SMTP users. Customers that utilize Outlook and Exchange for email already take advantage of authenticated access for outgoing emails, but our generally available SMTP server has not historically supported authenticated access. A consequence of this […]

New Data Service Plan

ITS has added a data service option to university-owned iPads and laptops for faculty and staff who are eligible for university cellular services. ITS Cellular Services has long supported data service and hotspot capabilities for university-owned smartphones and other dedicated hotspot devices. Hotspot allows a device to share its cellular data capabilities with a collection […]

Update on the university Microsoft Office 365 initiative

ITS is now in the design phase of the Microsoft Office 365 initiative. In the research phase, we received significant positive feedback with some questions and concerns from our UConn IT community.  Using this information, we produced a tentative design that was reviewed by the ITS IT Technical Partners governance body.  The architecture is now […]

Change management process

ITS is responsible for a broad collection of systems, services, and capabilities that in many different ways, are important to our community.  Disruptions will periodically occur as we work to maintain and evolve our infrastructure.  ITS has a Change Advisory Board (CAB) that consists of our managers and is tasked with ensuring that substantive changes […]

HuskyTime student time card system

The HuskyTime student time card system is now available to the university community. ITS worked closely with UConn Recreation to develop HuskyTime, a streamlined web-based application that allows students to enter their time into an online time card

HuskyVision switching to digital

HuskyVision will be transferred from analog to digital broadcast television for the fall semester.

Process improvements for NetIDadmin accounts

The process for requesting and activating NetIDadmin accounts has been improved. 

IT Smart: New Business-to-Department service relationship model

Understanding the relationship between services and our community is the key to effectively meeting the needs of our constituents and is the primary perspective that informed the design of our models for service delivery.

Long-term plans to sunset select legacy web servers

As with any technology, the University’s web servers and supporting resources evolve over time, offering more sophisticated features and better performance.

Email service choice for students

Google Apps for Education was chosen for students because it was both a good fit for and a strong preference of this population. 

Access to Microsoft products for UConn Health

ITS and UConn Health have collaborated to improve accessibility to Microsoft products for faculty, staff, and students.

Device information and location services

ITS is making two services available to our IT Community that can be used to provide information about devices connected to the UConn network.

Aurora service changes

ITS has made changes to the Aurora service in response to the Chrome web browser security updates.

Organization Name Change

We have changed our name to Information Technology Services (ITS).

Architectural changes to email service

View technical details for the upcoming architectural changes to the university email service.

NetID Self-Service

ITS has launched a NetID self-service communications campaign.

Network Refresh Projects

ITS recently completed network refresh projects for both Wilbur Cross and the Student Union.

UCONN Storrs Campus Emergency Power Test

We are writing share our plans to manage IT services during the upcoming planned power outage.

Self-Service Lecture Capture

ITS has expanded self-service capabilities for the Kaltura Lecture Capture (KLC) service. Self-service recording is now part of the standard classroom technology package and self-service live streaming available in lecture halls and large venues.

Start of Semester Moratorium

ITS will have a moratorium on non-emergency network and system changes starting Friday, January 17, through Monday, January 27.

Expansion of Network Services

ITS has expanded network services to support remote activities.

Website Accessibility Enhancement

Ally Alternative, a website accessibility enhancement for Aurora, has been enabled for many university websites.

Updated myUConn

myUConn is the official UConn mobile application that connects our community to a collection of information and services which enhance campus life and online experiences. 

Remote Access Updates

ITS is implementing changes that will better secure remote connectivity to campus.

Patch Management

The companies that provide our software, such as Microsoft and Google, regularly release updates and patches to add features, fix bugs, and address vulnerabilities.  It is our general operating position that all software should be properly maintained and all relevant patches applied.

Changes to On-Campus Printing

HuskyPrint is the current ITS on-campus for fee printing service designed primarily for students, but also open to the community.

Update on New VPN Service

AnyConnect is an industry leading and widely used VPN service that ITS selected to replace our legacy Pulse Secure VPN service. 

2FA Service for Students

Duo two-factor authentication (2FA) service is now formally available to students.

Personal Storage Changes

ITS will be retiring the personal (P) drive.

Upgrades Completed in UConn Data Center

The UConn primary data center is an access-controlled location with the specialized support, equipment, and facilities needed to properly house the servers, storage, and key network elements for much of the University’s critical cyber infrastructure. 

Start of Semester Moratorium

ITS will have a moratorium on non-emergency network and system changes starting Friday, January 13, through Friday, January 27, 2023.

Disaster Recovery Test

DR is a critical IT operational capability designed to quickly restore and deliver key services from a remote location in response to a catastrophic loss of our production facilities in Storrs. ITS built and maintains a DR site in the state operated Groton data center. 

Early Migration of Google Workspace Data

We announced our decision this week to phase out Google Workspace services at UConn and move customers to Microsoft 365. 

End-of-Semester Moratorium

ITS will have a moratorium on non-emergency network and system changes starting Tuesday, December 5, through Wednesday, December 20, 2023.

Google Migration Update

ITS has been progressively transferring clients off Google.

Migration to Microsoft 365

ITS has completed the migration from Google to Microsoft 365.

Changes to Wait Time on the UITS Support Phone

The six minute limit on ITS Technology Support Center phone system hold times has been discontinued. This limit was originally created to address feedback pertaining to long holds, but it has become clear that it is not the optimal way to deal with this issue and it has the unintended side effect of forcibly disconnecting […]

University Exchange Update

ITS and the Law School have combined our mail and calendar environments. The university Exchange environment was intended to facilitate interaction and collaboration across our community.  Design choices and competing systems have historically made this difficult.  Over the past year, ITS has evolved the central service based on direct feedback from our IT partners.  For […]

End of life operating systems

ITS is beginning a series of infrastructure enhancements that may require updating end-of-life (EOL) operating systems on devices that are connected to the network. ITS announced this past spring and throughout the summer that Windows XP and Mac OS 10.7 were end of life and would no longer be supported.  Older operating systems are not […]

Office 365 Town Hall Meeting

We are inviting members of our IT community to a town hall meeting to discuss the upcoming migration to Microsoft Office 365 and initiate a conversation about support strategies.

Virtualization Service Offerings

ITS has a proposed design for expanding the University’s application virtualization service offerings.

Start of Semester Moratorium

ITS will have a moratorium on non-emergency network and system changes starting Wednesday, August 26, through Monday, September 14.

Moratorium – December 13 – December 24, 2015

ITS will have a moratorium on non-emergency network and system changes starting Sunday, December 13 through Thursday, December 24, 2015.

eSignLive available

eSignLive, a web based electronic signature product, is now available for use by university departments, schools, and colleges.

P: drive expansion

ITS has expanded the available storage space on personal (P:) drives.

HuskyCT architecture changes

An architecture change was recently implemented for HuskyCT.

Protect your computer from ransomware

The recent cyberattack involving ransomware has been infecting computers and critical systems worldwide since Friday.

Addition of Kaltura Lecture Capture

ITS has added the Kaltura Lecture Capture to our service offerings.

Status of ongoing system problem

The ITS major storage subsystem has been experiencing intermittent performance problems.

Changes to Scantron service

The Scantron exam scanning service will be modified.

ITS status update

The overwhelming majority of systems, services, and capabilities have resumed. 

Communication Resource

Written messages are a formal part of interaction for IT professionals at UConn and elsewhere.

University Data Network

ITS is updating elements of the university data network.

UConn Bookstore Student Account Program

Students can opt to join the new UConn Bookstore Student Account Program.

Student Work Accounts

Student employees occupy dual roles at the University.  As students, they have access to information and resources consistent with this academic role. 

Newsletter Service: Soapbox Announcement System

The UConn Daily Digest is a recurring publication created to keep the university community informed while simultaneously reducing the number of messages sent to individual inboxes. 

Change moratorium update

The University and its community have proven to be quite resilient over the past few weeks, and many, if not most, activities have shifted to either partially or fully remote.

2FA to PeopleSoft

ITS is adding two-factor authentication protection to PeopleSoft.

Kuali Financial System Upgrade

KFS is a comprehensive software suite that serves as the University’s financial system of record for accounting and other fiscal operations. The upgrade includes enhanced usability with a redesigned interface, navigation, and search. 

New “Tech Check” Support Service for Instructors

Much of the university continues to teach, learn, and work primarily from home or other off-site locations.  This has allowed the University to remain safely open, but it has changed the IT support landscape. 

Solution for Call Centers

ITS is formally introducing the Cisco Unified Contact Center Express (Unified CCX) service offering. When UConn shifted to mostly work from home in March 2020, ITS quickly organized a solution to permit units to answer university phone calls remotely.

Parking System Upgrade

TickeTrak is the University’s parking system. 

New University Data Integration Strategy

UConn has a substantive collection of applications that share information as a normal and useful part of their operation.

Seamless Single Sign-On (SSO)

ITS is enabling Seamless Single Sign-On (SSO) for all domain-joined Windows workstations on April 18, 2022.

Updates to Storrs High Performance Computing (HPC) Facilities 

HPC gives researchers the power and capacity to process large amounts of data (big data) and solve complex computational problems.  It is fundamental to the university mission of research and figures prominently in many proposals.

Managed Workstation Exemption Requests

ITS provides a managed workstation service for both university PCs and Macs where we require System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) for Windows and JAMF for OSX to patch and maintain the operating systems and Defender ATP, an endpoint detection and response platform, to protect against malware and other attacks.

Vendor Risk Management

The university community increasingly seeks systems, services, and capabilities that are hosted externally, which typically means that the associated data is stored outside of UConn.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Security Concern

AI technologies simulate higher level thinking and can be used to perform tasks that might typically require input from a person.

Updates to Email Communication Policy

Email is an official means of university communication.  Email services are provided in support of the administrative and academic functions of the University, which may include various types of protected information (e.g., FERPA, HIPAA, PHI or PII types of data).

Update on Google Migration

ITS has communicated since July about discontinuing the university’s relationship with Google, and we have been working with our community to manage and migrate their Google data. 

Changes to UConn’s Microsoft 365 environment

UConn Audit and Management Advisory Services (AMAS) recently completed a review of our Microsoft 365 tenant.

New IT Governance Structure

The IT Partners program is a streamlined governance structure consisting of three standing committees that are organized to provide clear roles, to prevent overlapping effort, and to align participants to focus areas. They provide oversight of University Information Technology and Services (ITS) systems and services and are advisory to the University CIO regarding the efficacy […]

High Availability During Shut down

ITS has implemented infrastructure changes to permit high availability capabilities for our services. Contemporary IT system and service robustness is best accomplished through a three tier model consisting of 1) effective design and professional practices 2) high availability through infrastructure and operating diversity 3) disaster recovery as an insurance strategy using an external vendor specialist.  The first […]

Start of Semester Moratorium

ITS will have a three-week moratorium on non-emergency network and system changes starting Monday, August 18, through Sunday, September 7. We understand that the start of the fall semester is a critical period for students and faculty as they acclimate to the new school year. ITS will defer changes to systems and services that might […]

End of Semester Moratorium

ITS will have a moratorium on non-emergency network and system changes starting Monday, December 8, through Thursday, December 18. We understand that this time of year is a critical period with students and faculty trying to meet end of semester obligations.  ITS will defer changes to systems and services that might have a production impact […]

Reminder: Office 365 migration starts tonight

We would like to remind you that your university email account will migrate to Office 365 this weekend and to spotlight available support resources.

Progress on High Availability

Below is an update on our progress developing High Availability (HA) capabilities for ITS systems and services. HA represents continuous service delivery under normal circumstances and rapid restoration in the event of disruption.

Mass mailing service

When rogue email accounts are used to spam the internet, downstream providers typically respond by blocking all email from the source server. 

DirectAccess service

External access to restricted university resources has traditionally been provided via our authenticated Virtual Private Network (VPN) service. 

Updated Dell Computer Image

New Dell computers ordered on or after Monday, August 22nd through the HuskyPC program will ship with Windows 10 (Win10) as the installed operating system.

Cisco Meeting Server bridge available

Cisco Meeting Server (CMS) bridge is now available for video conferencing.

OneUConn IT Service Delivery Vision

ITS has been developing a vision for expanding and enhancing service delivery to all UConn campuses.

Disaster Recovery Plan

This past week, ITS concluded our annual test of our DR plan.

Annual Strategic Plan Progress Report

ITS publishes annual Strategic Plan progress report.

Kaltura Lecture Capture Self-Service

The Kaltura Lecture Capture (KLC) service now has enhanced self-service capabilities.

End of Semester Moratorium

ITS will have a moratorium on non-emergency network and system changes starting Friday, April 27, through Monday, May 7, 2018.

Risk and Compliance Self-Assessment Questionnaire

Starting this week, ITS Information Security Office is sending a Risk and Compliance Self-Assessment Questionnaire to designated IT professionals in each school, college, campus, and department. 

Beginning of semester Moratorium

ITS will have a moratorium on non-emergency network and system changes starting Wednesday, January 16, through Monday, January 28.

End of semester moratorium

ITS will have a moratorium on non-emergency network and system changes starting Wednesday, May 1, through Monday, May 13, 2019.

Start of Semester Moratorium

ITS will have a moratorium on non-emergency network and system changes starting Wednesday, August 21, through Monday, September 2.

Self service video conferencing

The University uses WebEx, a videoconferencing application that enables online meetings in a virtual room, to host interviews with remote applicants.

ITS Mass Mail Service

Our community may need to send bulk email to hundreds or even thousands of people.

Webex Events

Webex Events at UConn allows you or a panel to host online events and webinars for up to 1,000 participants and stream for up to 40,000 attendees.

Updates to Microsoft Enterprise Licensing

ITS negotiates an annual Microsoft enterprise license on behalf of UConn. 

Pilot of VoIP-enabled Service

When the University began delivering services remotely, it became apparent that not all support practices transitioned effectively to this mode. Staff, particularly those who interact frequently with students and parents, needed a way to answer and respond to calls to their office numbers while working off-site.

Community Device Programs

ITS has engaged in a number of initiatives to help ensure that our community has access to contemporary devices of sufficient quality to facilitate their research, teaching, and learning success.

Zero Day Vulnerability Mitigation

ITS is making an emergency change on July 1, 2021 at 5:00 pm on Windows workstations and servers in the UConn Active Directory.

Launch of New On-Campus Printing Service

ITS launched Wepa at the start of the semester as a replacement for HuskyPrint. 

Changes to Office 365 Email

Office 365 is a Microsoft cloud product that includes Office and other services. 

Microsoft SharePoint

ITS is shifting to Microsoft SharePoint as a strategic technology for services.

Kuali Financials

UConn has initiated the project to move Kuali Financials from on-premise to a cloud-hosted solution.

Changes to Internet Border Firewalls

Secure Shell (SSH) is a network protocol that normally operates on port 22 and allows remote logins to computers. 

CEN Annual Member Conference

CEN, an open access Internet service provider, is hosting its annual conference at the Connecticut Convention Center in Hartford, CT on May 11, 2023.

Classroom Computer Replacement

ITS manages the multi-year life cycle of classroom technology, and this generally entails incrementally updating equipment over time. 

Changes to Email Addresses

ITS typically uses a standard format when we issue an official UConn email address. 

Transition to AOVPN

DA enables remote Windows workstations to access the UConn network without traditional VPN connections. 

Receive ITS Communications

ITS sends out message to our IT Contacts list. This list is made up of two distribution groups – IT Professionals and IT Stakeholders.

Contact Information Now Available for All UITS Employees

There are a number of general phone and email contact points that provide access to ITS groups and / or services. When submitting a help or service request, we encourage everyone to contact the organization through either the Technology Support Center or one of the local Service Areas. However, we have received feedback that these […]

UITS Supports Development of Research-related Mobile Apps

ITS Mobile Solutions has hired a Graduate Assistant (GA) to support development of research-related mobile applications for faculty, a change that extends service to researchers and aligns with the academic mission of the University. Faculty have been requesting support for mobile app development and while the demand has grown, it has remained inadequate to generate […]

VPN Update

The upgraded and expanded Virtual Private Network (VPN) services, deployed on September 15th, have replaced the old VPN portal. On October 6th the old system,, will no longer be available. The new VPN portal is accessible via the Web at and via client software for OS X, Windows, iOS, and Android devices. When you transition to the […]

Remote Desktop Gateway

The Remote Desktop Gateway server is an authentication and proxy mechanism used widely by off-site faculty, staff, and students to connect to on-site university computers using the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP).  The University began blocking RDP at the border firewall in 2012 in response to an RDP security weakness. 

Re-designed UITS IT Status page

ITS has re-designed the IT Status page. The purpose of the IT Status page is to communicate the condition of systems and services to our UConn community. 

Final update on mainframe decommissioning

This is the final update about our local mainframe decommissioning and its transition to an external provider.

Networked Servers

The goal of all university IT, both central and distributed, is to ensure the secure and robust operation of institutional IT assets for our UConn community. 

End of Semester Moratorium

ITS will have a moratorium on non-emergency network and system changes starting Friday, April 29 through Saturday, May 14, 2016. 

IT Systems Status and Alerts

Our frontline source for reporting up-to-date information about central systems is the IT Systems Status site. 

Email service choice for students

Google Apps for Education was chosen for students because it was both a good fit for and a strong preference of this population. 

Storrs HPC facility

Operational changes to the Storrs High Performance Computing (HPC) facility will be effective July 1.

MBAM self-service portal

ITS has established a self-service portal in our Microsoft Bitlocker Administration and Monitoring (MBAM) environment.

Student Employee Affiliation in LDAP

ITS is creating a new affiliation in LDAP.

Improvements to Email Handling

ITS will be testing an improvement to the University’s email handling.

Update to Email Service on 6/25

ITS implemented new email filtering capabilities in university email systems.

Status of 2FA Service

2FA prevents unauthorized access to online resources by imposing two independent forms of identification in order for you to successfully authenticate.

New Self-Service Exam Scanning

New self-service option for the ITS Scantron service.

Wireless in Campus Outdoor Areas

ITS is expanding wireless network coverage in campus outdoor areas.

Community Dynamics and Reputation Change

As members of the IT community, we all contribute to the fulfillment of the institutional mission of research, teaching, learning, and outreach.

Digital Wayfinding Service

A new digital wayfinding service is available to help faculty, staff, students, and guests better navigate the campus.

Chat plugin available for Aurora websites is a service that ITS uses on the Technology Support Center website.

New Account Sponsorship App

A new Account Sponsorship application is available on

Start of Semester Moratorium

ITS will have a moratorium on non-emergency network and system changes starting Wednesday, August 26, and goes through Monday, September 7.

Changes to Device Support

ITS is simplifying and streamlining individual support services. The Technology Support Center (TSC) is housed in Homer Babbidge Library (HBL) and provides general IT support to faculty, staff, and students.

Electronic Payment Solution

ITS, Accounts Payable, and the Office of the Bursar are providing the University with flexible and secure vendor payment options.

IT Support for Returning Employees

University employees will begin returning to their campus workspaces on or after August 16 after being away for nearly a year and half. 

New Form and Workflow Tool

The new Kuali Build integrated forms and automated approval workflow tool is now generally available.

CEN’s 2022 Annual Member Conference

CEN, an open access Internet service provider, is hosting its annual conference at the Connecticut Convention Center in Hartford, CT on May 5, 2022.

Dropbox and Filelocker

We will be deprecating the ITS-provided Dropbox and Filelocker services.

Update on UConn VPN

ITS has been in the process of transitioning our VPN service from our legacy Pulse Secure to our new Cisco AnyConnect. 

Migration of File Services

Microsoft 365 delivers contemporary file sharing and storage capabilities with SharePoint and OneDrive. 

Enhanced Access to Travel Expense Data

The University uses SAP Concur for travel and expense management.

HuskyVision Service Changes

HuskyVision has been the University’s on-campus cable television service to residence halls and administrative buildings since 1998.

New Telecom Billing System

ITS is transitioning interdepartmental telecommunications (telecom) billing from Pinnacle to Softeligent.

Updated Password Reset Process

Forgotten passwords must be reset.

Phishing Message Using DocuSign Service

We want to bring an ongoing phishing scam to your attention.

Access to the University Network Monitoring System

ITS has enabled guest access to WhatsUp, the university network monitoring system. ITS network technicians utilize WhatsUp to monitor the current status of more than 3,000 network devices in our data network.  This tool is not designed or intended to be a generally consumed service at the University, but it is possible that it might be useful for […]

Microsoft Office 365

ITS has launched an initiative to explore a Microsoft Office 365 service offering for the University of Connecticut. Microsoft Office 365 has the potential to enhance individual productivity and facilitate collaboration. It would provide significantly larger mailboxes, Office sharing and interaction tools, text and video chat, one terabyte of personal cloud storage, and other useful […]

Student Administration Upgrades

ITS has implemented selected redesigns of the Student Administration (SA) System to address structural problems that resulted in service disruptions during the registration process. The SA system is a hub for student information and activity and is widely used by faculty, students, staff, and alumni. They experienced numerous problems with login, authorization, kick-outs, and browser incompatibility. […]

Office 365 migration update

Below is an update on the upcoming April 10th university migration from our local email and calendar service to Microsoft’s Office 365 cloud service and to share strategies ITS is employing to ensure a smooth transition.

HuckyCT High Availability

HuskyCT, our learning management system, is now in a High Availability (HA) configuration.

Launch of revamped myUConn

ITS has launched a revamped version of the university’s mobile application myUConn.

Voicemail system

ITS will be replacing the voicemail system for faculty and staff on the UConn Storrs campus.

Password recovery options

ITS has begun a campaign to encourage our UConn community to set password recovery options for their NetID accounts.

New service offerings

ITS has two new service offerings for our community.

UConn AnyWare

UConn AnyWare is now generally available.

SSH Gateway

The Secure Shell (SSH) Gateway is now available.


ITS will have a moratorium on non-emergency network and system changes starting Wednesday, August 23, through Monday, September 4.

Modification to UConn Directories

ITS has modified the UConn directories.

Pending changes to the University Active Directory environment

Active Directory (AD) is a foundational technology that supports identity and access management at UConn.

Updates to Lecture Capture

ITS supports hardware and software used for recording, streaming, and sharing classroom and other instructional content.

End of semester moratorium

ITS will have a moratorium on non-emergency network and system changes starting Friday, December 7, through Monday, December 17, 2018. 

UConn and UConn Health student systems

UConn and UConn Health are consolidating student systems.

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Accessibility policy

University has approved and published the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Accessibility policy.

Email Update on O365

Phishing messages continue to be one of our larger security threats.

Network Service

Between 12:10 am – 2:40 am on Thursday, February 13, there may be interruptions to internet connectivity while the Internet Service Provider performs planned network maintenance.

Drive Migration Assistant

ITS offers a new utility that simplifies the transition from the P: drive to Microsoft OneDrive.

Upcoming communications about account security

A key role of enterprise IT is identifying security risks and protecting our community from them as much as practical.

Security Awareness Training with KnowBe4

KnowBe4 is an IT security resource available to all faculty and staff at UConn. The integrated platform for security awareness training and phishing attack simulation covers an extensive range of topics and delivers content in varying and engaging formats, such as games, short videos, modules, and even sitcom-style shows.

Microsoft 365 Available to UConn Students

Microsoft 365, which is the rebadged Office 365 service, is a collection of communication, collaboration, and productivity applications that are available through our enterprise-wide education license to all active faculty, staff, and students. 

Annual Disaster Recovery Test

ITS has scheduled disaster recovery testing of our tier 1 services for the week of June 6.

Changes to the University Virtual Private Network (VPN) Service

The current VPN service is offered using Pulse Secure. Increased demand attributed to telecommuting and other remote activities exposed limitations in its deployed capacity and ability to manage higher loads effectively.

Financial Aid Data Mart

The University’s Office of Student Financial Aid Services produces numerous reports that are required to comply with federal and state statutes.

Improvements to the University’s Data Center

The transition to cloud-based IT solutions is an industry wide trend that continues unabated.

Changes to UConn Wireless Networks

ITS is implementing two changes to the UConn wireless (Wi-Fi) networks at the beginning of August. 

Thank You

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I write to thank everyone for their efforts and contributions.

University Voice Services

VoIP enables you to make voice calls via a digital signal over the data network rather than over traditional phone lines. 

New Event Scheduling Service

EMS Campus is a cloud-hosted university-wide enterprise scheduling solution. 

Firewall Migration Project

Firewalls are network security devices that monitor and filter incoming and outgoing network traffic based on established policies. 

Upcoming Changes to Student Google Accounts

Dear UConn Students, We are writing with information about your transition to Microsoft 365. If you are graduating in May 2024 or leaving the University, please disregard this message; you will receive a separate notification about changes to IT services. Reason for Change Information Technology Services communicated this past year that the University was discontinuing […]

Login and Network Issues

Since the start of the academic year, we have seen issues with Single Sign On (NetID) and with network connectivity in general.

UITS Purchases InCommon Certificate Service

ITS has procured an InCommon Certificate Service for the University in response to the recent Heartbleed exploit in the OpenSSL cryptographic software library. This service allows us to generate, for all UConn Domains, an unlimited number of certificates (e.g., SSL, extended validation, client, and code signing) that are validated by a trusted Certificate Authority. Technical […]

Upgrades Completed on Data Center

ITS performed successful upgrades to the data center on Saturday, May 31, 2014. During the planned outage, ITS infrastructure staff installed new equipment and performed preventative maintenance. Although some services were disrupted during the outage, access remained to the Network, e-mail, and UConn websites. Thank you for your patience during the outage. The upgrades are […]

Updated and upgraded VPN service

ITS will deploy an updated and upgraded Virtual Private Network (VPN) service on September 15th. VPN services have been utilized historically to provide authenticated access to the university network from remote locations and thereby allow customers to safely and securely utilize certain restricted services from outside the university.  Juniper has stopped providing support for the […]

Start of Semester Moratorium

ITS will have a two-week moratorium on non-emergency network and system changes starting Monday, January 19, through Monday, February 2. We understand that this time is a critical period for students and faculty as they acclimate to the new semester.  ITS will defer changes to systems and services that might have a production impact in […]

End of semester moratorium

ITS will have a moratorium on non-emergency network and system changes starting Friday, May 1 through Friday, May 15.

MSB power shutdown, 8/8

A power shutdown in the Math-Science Building (MSB) is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, August 8th between 5:00 am – 5:00 pm.

Blackboard Collaborate available

UConn instructors leverage our learning management system, HuskyCT, for a wide range of activities, from supplementing coursework to delivering online classes that extend the University’s reach beyond the campuses. 

UConn cable tv going digital

While public broadcast and cable television throughout the country were required to transition from analog to digital, private installations like we have at the University did not have this obligation.

How to request and advocate for centrally-funded software

As a central provider of IT services, ITS is responsible for licensing, procuring, delivering, and maintaining software delivered at an institutional level.  

Enhancements to institutional file storage

Over the past year, ITS has made strategic investments in data storage infrastructure in support of institutional and research activities.  

End of semester moratorium April 29 – May 12

ITS will have a moratorium on non-emergency network and system changes starting Friday, April 29 through Friday, May 12, 2017.

UITS database hosting service

ITS is announcing the formal availability of a database hosting service.

Aurora web content service updates

ITS has made recent updates to the Aurora web content service.

Update on wireless expansion

ITS received funds from the administration in FY17 to expand wireless network service in university administrative and academic buildings.

Operating update to university websites

ITS is making updates to university websites that will provide better support for explicit disclosure and acceptance of data collection. 

Start of Semester Moratorium

ITS will have a moratorium on non-emergency network and system changes starting Wednesday, August 22, through Monday, September 3.

Formal Implementation of 2FA Service

ITS two-factor authentication (2FA) enhanced security project has moved into its formal implementation phase.

Digital Signage Update

Service updates are available for the digital signage service.

Changes to HuskyPrint Service

HuskyPrint is a computer printing service with over 30 printers located on all six campuses. It was designed for students but is open to the entire UConn community.

Wireless in Gampel

The deployment of full wireless network service is complete for Gampel Pavilion.

Limited Moratorium

ITS will have a limited moratorium on activities or efforts that have the potential to disrupt remote access starting Saturday, March 14, through Monday, April 6.

UConn AnyWare Updates

UConn AnyWare is an ITS service that provides desktop virtualization using VMWare Horizon and application virtualization of university-licensed software using Citrix Virtual Apps. 

Student Technology Training course

A new Student Technology Training course is available.

File Sharing Services

File sharing gives others access to digital media and is a key mechanism for collaboration.  In the past, this was limited to sending, receiving, or accessing information in files, but modern systems also support co-authorship, versioning, and concurrent editing. 

File Storage Changes

ITS is introducing archiving to the ITS provided Q: and R: drives.

Changes to Cellular Services

ITS has been responsible for coordinating the purchase, provisioning, and support of university-issued cellular phones.

Updates to Digital Signage

ITS offers Carousel Digital Signage service for the University that includes both large signs, frequently displayed in lobbies, and smaller room signs.  Our vendor announced that their on-premise system would be end-of-life by 2022, at which time our existing service would stop receiving updates.

Changes to Transition Plans for VPN service

The University’s legacy Pulse Secure VPN infrastructure was inadequate to meet growing needs, and we chose industry leading Cisco AnyConnect as its successor.

Annual Disaster Recovery Test

DR is a critical operational IT capability designed and intended to quickly restore and deliver key services from a remote location in response to the catastrophic loss of our production facilities in Storrs.

Expansion of Duo 2FA Protection

2FA greatly protects data and applications from compromise by using a second source of validation, like a phone or token, to verify user identity before granting access. 

Happy Holidays

The changes have kept coming in 2022. 

Scheduling Capabilities in Microsoft 365

UConn faculty and staff use Microsoft 365 for their university email and calendaring, and many are accustomed to using Outlook to schedule meetings among colleagues.

Transitioning Google Workspace to Microsoft 365

The University has offered faculty, staff, and students two platforms for communication and collaboration – Google Workspace and Microsoft 365. 

Integration Platform Service

At UConn, ITS and other units acquire, maintain, and evolve various technologies to support the diverse business, research, and academic needs of the University. 

Annual Disaster Recovery Test

DR is a critical IT operational capability designed to quickly restore and then deliver key services from an alternate location should there be a catastrophic loss of our production facilities in Storrs. 

Changes to the University’s UPrint Program

The UPrint program was originally developed by University Business Services’ Purchasing Department to replace the high number of small, cost ineffective printers at UConn with fewer large, multi-function, high duty cycle printers.

End of Semester Moratorium

There will be a two-week ITS moratorium on network and system changes starting today, Friday, May 2, through Friday, May 16. We understand that this time of year is a critical period with students and faculty trying to meet end of semester obligations.  ITS has imposed significant restrictions on changes to systems and services that […]

UITS Printing Services to End

As of June 30, 2014, ITS will no longer provide print services from the mainframe. In conjunction with the Mainframe Decommissioning Project and the University’s green initiatives, all print jobs processed on the mainframe will be directed to Control-D, an online report management tool that is currently in use by many areas. Control-D provides the […]

IBM Forms Experience Builder

ITS is expanding its enterprise workflow services by offering web form development with IBM Forms Experience Builder (FEB). The University currently uses many paper-based workflow processes, which can be both slow and inefficient.  Automating these processes by creating electronic workflows using traditional programming languages, however, is both difficult and time consuming.  FEB is a tool […]

University email and calendar migration

Faculty and staff who have accounts on the central university email and calendar service, please be aware of the university migration from our local Exchange environment to Microsoft Office 365, currently scheduled to start April 10th.

Identity Finder Status Update

ITS has temporarily disabled Identity Finder while we finalize the long-range plans for the service.

Mainframe migration completed

ITS is happy to announce that the migration of Genesys from UConn to PSR went smoothly and our local mainframe is now decommissioned.

Preview UConn AnyWare

ITS would like to let you know about an opportunity to preview our new application virtualization service, UConn AnyWare.

Student email accounts

We are writing to share our plans for the persistence of student email accounts.  

Changes to address ID issues

ITS has established structural changes in order to address our current identity management issues.

Start of Semester Moratorium

ITS will have a moratorium on non-emergency network and system changes starting Wednesday, January 11, through Monday, January 23.

Testing of spam filtering services

ITS is exploring approaches to enhance the University’s protection from spam emails.

Digital Signage Service

An enterprise-wide digital signage service is now available.

Storage issues impacting services

Intermittent issues with the university’s storage environment are impacting authentication as well as all local services that rely on storage.

Two-Factor Authentication Service

ITS is focused on protecting our community, their personal information, and institutional data as we evolve systems, services, and capabilities.  Phishing and other nefarious activities attempt to circumvent security practices by stealing your credentials and using them to access sensitive information.  

IT solutions for our functional partners

In our strategic plan, one of our core goals is to pursue IT solutions with our functional partners that support and evolve business processes at the University.

ITS Support Strategy

A primary way our community interacts with IT at the University is through formal and informal support channels. 

Enhancement to UConn Bus Service

We recently completed a hardware/software project to facilitate improved bus service at the University.  

University Chief Information Security Officer

Dr. Chris Bernard will be joining ITS on July 19 as the new university Chief Information Security Officer (CISO).

Voter Registration Feature

A new voter registration feature is available on the Student Administration (SA) system.

New Security Feature for Email Service

ITS will be adding a banner security feature to our email service.

IT Guide to Telecommuting

Current events have resulted in increased use of systems, services, and capabilities that support remote teaching, learning, meeting, and collaborating.

Classroom Lecture Capture Enhancements

ITS is adding self-service lecture capture capabilities to more UConn classrooms.

Partnership to Deliver Survey Capability

The University needed a way to collect, analyze, and act on large amounts of health-related data so that students could return. 

Additional Protection from Web-based Threats

ITS will be implementing a Domain Name System (DNS) filtering product, Cisco Umbrella, to enhance protection against web-based threats.

Updates to IT Status

ITS maintains the IT Status page to communicate information about planned and unplanned outages, service disruptions, and other community impacting situations. 

Adding Cisco Umbrella to Administrative Computers

Cisco Umbrella is a Domain Name System (DNS) filtering product that guards against threats on the internet, such as malware, phishing, and ransomware. 

Transition to Managed Mobility Provider

ITS selected Motus as the new service provider for university-issued cellular phones that will manage all aspects of the process and deliver the extended, 24-hour support that has long been requested by our community.

Kuali Financials Upgrade

Kuali Financials is a comprehensive software suite that serves as the University’s financial system of record for accounting and other fiscal operations.

Microsoft Office 365 Security Update

Criminals use stolen credentials to attack accounts and cause harm to organizations and individuals, but there are multiple, complimentary strategies that offer protection. 

Support for Kuali Build

Kuali Build is a cloud-based application development platform that enables code-free creation of online forms and automated approval workflows for university units and departments.

UConn LastPass Licenses

LastPass is a secure password manager that supports good password hygiene.

Improvements to Azure Active Directory Single Sign On

ITS is updating Azure Active Directory Single Sign On on May 19, 2023.

Remote Access Options

ITS has provided a Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) gateway to facilitate external access to university computers (e.g., work desktops) from local devices at another location (e.g., your home computer).

Alumni Forwarding Service

ITS made the business decision to migrate away from Google’s Workspace services after they modified their terms and conditions. 

Microsoft AI Services

Two artificial intelligence (AI) services are available to UConn employees.

New to UConn – Employees

Welcome to the University of Connecticut! Below is an overview of the essential technology tools available to you. These are the basic services you will need to get started at UConn. For a more extensive list of services available, please see the ITS Service Catalog.

About ITS

Information Technology Services (ITS) is the University of Connecticut’s central IT department. Mission The primary ITS mission is to facilitate, coordinate or implement information technologies that effectively enable the institutional missions of research, teaching, learning, and outreach. This is accomplished by identifying systems, services, and capabilities that will have a substantive impact on the community and delivering them robustly and […]

Duo Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Two-factor authentication (2FA) is required to log in to Single Sign On and Microsoft 365. Enable Now 2FA greatly improves data security for individuals and for the University. Account credentials get stolen way too often, and you may not even know that it has happened. Criminals use your credentials to steal information and can even […]

Contact Info

ITS Contact Information & Directions Location Contact Information

IT Tips for Students

IT Tips for Students Welcome (or welcome back) to UConn! We at ITS wanted to pass on a few tips and tricks to help make students’ lives a bit easier – at least technologically. Read on to learn about the best ways to get started with technology at the University. 1. Know what you need. […]

New to UConn – Students

Welcome to the University of Connecticut! Below is an overview of the essential technology tools available to you. These are the basic services you will need to get started at UConn. For a more extensive list of services available, please see the ITS Service Catalog.

Disaster Recovery (DR)

ITS maintains infrastructure and delivers applications critical to the daily operation of the University of Connecticut.  ITS, in cooperation with our business partners, have established recovery procedures for services considered necessary for emergency communication (tier 0) and for mission-critical applications and services (tier 1).   Tier 0: Websites and services are instantaneously available from a […]

Staff Technology Day

Staff Technology Day 2024 | June 4, 2024 | 8:30 – 4:00 | McHugh Hall

UConn Webex Web Conferencing

2024 Staff Technology Day Sessions

2024 Staff Technology Day Sessions Main Event Page You will be able to choose five workshops/presentations. Most sessions are offered twice, once in the morning and once in the afternoon. Please read the descriptions for the sessions in advance. Some have a workshop component and may recommend that you bring a device. The 30-minute sessions […]


ITS Service Catalog ITS provides services that support research, teaching, learning, and outreach. View the comprehensive catalog for a categorized listing of all the services we offer our community. Students Faculty/Staff Guests Personal Computing Telecommunication Enterprise Infrastructure Teaching & Learning Research Applications

P: Drive Migration to OneDrive

P: Drive Migration to OneDrive ITS is retiring the personal (P) drive and transitioning our community to Microsoft OneDrive. To facilitate this change, we are migrating the data stored on the P: drive to OneDrive. Faculty and staff with data on the P: drive migrated the summer of 2022. Students with P: drive data will […]

Spam and Virus Prevention

Spam and Virus Prevention Spam is the use of electronic messaging systems to send unsolicited and often unwanted emails indiscriminately to a large number of users. Most spam contains advertisements for services or products; however, very few reputable marketers use unsolicited commercial email to advertise. How am I protected? Over 50% of the emails received […]

Google to Microsoft 365 Transition

Google to Microsoft 365 Transition Google Workspace services, including student email, storage, and digital collaboration, moved to Microsoft 365 in 2024, unifying our community on one platform. What is the impact to me? Learn More & Get Support Get started with Microsoft 365