2FA Service for Students

Duo two-factor authentication (2FA) service is now formally available to students.

2FA is an extra layer of security used to make sure that people trying to gain access to an online account or other resource are who they say they are.  Faculty, staff, and students have had access to 2FA protection for several years.  Faculty and staff are required to use it for authentication into systems at UConn that contain private information, like Core-CT and the Student Administration System.  Although it was always open to students, 2FA was not mandatory, and it was not actively promoted for their optional use.

We recognize that there are growing concerns pertaining to online privacy, and we want students to take advantage of all available IT resources that they might find useful.  To this end, ITS is formally launching the 2FA service this month for the student population, and we will be advertising it to them through multiple channels.  Students will have full access to 2FA through the Duo mobile app.  This is the most popular and convenient way to use 2FA.  The other, less commonly used prompt mechanisms will be present at first, but the university incurs separate charges for each use so they will be deprecated for students at the end of March.  Those enrolled in Duo will be notified in advance of any service changes that might affect them.