A new Student Technology Training course is available.
The University relies heavily upon IT systems and services to support both academic and business activities at the institution. Previously, we could reasonably expect that students would receive an in-person introduction to IT systems before school began and be able to seek assistance throughout the semester. We cannot make that assumption this year despite additional emphasis on technology for the upcoming spring semester, including significantly more video conferencing.
This situation prompted ITS to create a comprehensive technology training course. The primary audience for the course is students, but it contains material that is useful to anyone at the University. Using a combination of videos and text, it provides information about device requirements, essential IT systems (e.g., HuskyCT, Student Admin, G Suite), security best practices, and services that support online teaching, learning, and working. The course has been published on HuskyCT and can be found under Useful Links for Students. We encourage you to share this resource with others and welcome your feedback on ways we can improve the course.